Henry at 9 years young! |
Sire: Turo's Crosstime(imp USA)   X    Dam: Intrends Sugar Sweet (All Gremlin Lines) (November 1995 - September 2007)
A very stylish and elegant dog, "Henry" was a multi Group and 3 times Best in Show winner. He won under Internationals, All Rounders, and Boxer Specialists, and was still winning consistantly in his 7th year in the ring! Henry was never shown extensively as setting up the kennel took up most of our time during his prime years, but even with limited showing he made his mark!
He retired and lived on his laurels as King of our household until he went to the Rainbow bridge at almost 12 years of age!
"Goodbye Henry - my great friend - I'm so incredibly grateful I had you in my life, thank you for everything. You will always be in my thoughts - until we meet again. R.I.P."
 Henry at 2 years of age |
He was bred by Intrends Boxers in Melbourne from a pretty NZ Ch.Raevon Colour Me Red daughter, put to the superbly bred American import Turo's Crosstime (Imp USA).  
"Henry" nearly lost his chance of fame when at 7 months he crashed into a tree and broke his back leg
while playing with his best friend "Alice".    $2000 of pins and TLC later, and 4 months out of the ring, he returned to win 3rd in his class at his first Melbourne Royal.   This was quickly followed by a BOB win under the renowned movement specialist Glen Freidlander from the Philippinnes.
He has never looked back since!
STOP PRESS: Henry Wins Best of Breed AGAIN for the THIRD time, at the prestigious Melbourne Royal (1998 & Group 2, 2001, 2002 & Group 3!!!)
This is an equal all time record for a Boxer in Australia!
Henry at 17 months with Belinda |
Henry at 6 years |
Henry - from puppy to adult.
 12 weeks
 17 months
 5 years
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